
I'm proud to share my vision with you guys, about a Character which never previously existed on the NFT Market in that form. Come and find out more about the Wookz Universe.

Gen #0 Wookz 

#001 Wookz

#002 Fitty

#003 Atem

#004 Shak

#005 Snow

#006 Trips

#007  Ned

#008 Cyberz

#009 Straws 

#010 Tribes

#011 Rulex

#012 All Good

#013 Dr. Mark

#014 Joe

#015 Boe

#016 H-Bag

#017 Roberto

#018 HederaPong

#019 Cliff

#020 Cube

#021 Tricksy

#022 Travis

#023 Major Tom

#024 Caveman

#025 Cheshire

#026 Panda

#027 Danger

#028 Jack

#029 Rex

#030 Mountain

#031 Atlas King of  Water

#032 Ashbringer King of Fire

#033 Pan King of Nature

Wookz Troy

Generation 1

Gen1 Wookz come from the four Planets of the Wookz Universe. Each of the 333 Wookz will be one of the different Cultures and Planets. There will be some “molten wookz”, “aqua wookz”, “Nature wookz”, “Cyberwookz”, “TripWookz” and many more